
You Can Help Make Asheville a Better Place!

Code for Asheville relies on the support of the community to help bring solutions to those in need. Almost all of our groups’ funds go back into the local community, where it pays for venues for work sessions and meet-ups, refreshments for events, and gives Code for Asheville the means to ensure that our volunteer time is successful and impactful.

We accept tax-deductible monetary donations, as well as in-kind donations for various needs that we have. We try to function as inexpensively as possible, so your donation of any amount will go a long way.

If you’re a business and wish to make a donation, we will promote your brand at future events with any signage, banners, or other collateral that you provide, and you will receive a mention among our sponsors during our presentations.

Monetary Donations

Your Donations are tax-deductible through Code for America and will help Code for Asheville secure venues for our next hackathon, work-session, or meetup, and pay for things like refreshments, signage, and other costs of hosting community events. You can donate on the Code for America donation page. Please be sure to mention “Code for Asheville” in the Brigade field so they properly attribute your donation to your local brigade.

Make A Tax-Deductible Donation

In-Kind Donations

Donations like venue spaces and food are just as essential as the monetary donations we receive. If you cannot provide in-kind donations for free, please consider offering Code for Asheville a discount on your products or services. Our main group needs are typically for events, where a space to work, and refreshments for longer work sessions are a huge help. To make an in-kind donation, please fill out the form below. Some examples of in-kind donations follow:

Venue Space

Code for Asheville always needs a space to meet, work, and inform. The only thing we need is wifi, a few tables, and chairs. Group sizes vary, so we have a need for spaces of all sizes. Please consider donating your space for the following types of meetups:

  • General Meetup – Typically in the evening on a weekday, from around 6pm – 8pm. Group size is around 8-15 people.
  • Work Session Meeting – Typically on a Saturday from around 11am – 2pm. Group size is around 6-12 people.
  • Hackathon – Typically on a Saturday from around 10am – 4pm (or later). Group size is around 20 – 40 people.
Food & Drink

We like to keep our group members fed for longer events like Hackathons. Food donations that are easy to eat with a paper plate and disposable silverware are great for our events. We try to cater to vegetarians, so a meatless option is always preferred when possible.

Drinks are typically donated as large containers (like ice tea, lemonade, or soft drinks).

Food donations absolutely do not have to be extravagant, coffee and donuts, or a pizza for the group is hugely helpful.