

Highlights by Month JANUARY: We supported the Transportation for Seniors Hackathon.FEBRUARY: We learned about ourselves by working on our website.
On Saturday, August 18 we hosted 28 members and guests for National Day of Civic Hacking to explore using data,
At the August 9th Code for Asheville Community Meeting, I introduced the idea of “community ambassadors,” Code for Asheville members who
Asheville's Day of Civic Hacking is in three weeks! Please join us on August 18 to explore ways to help
Amy Cantrell and Eric Jackson joined Open Austin, Code for Boulder, Code for Boston and Code for San Jose for
Conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes.
Christiana Glenn Tugman and Eric Jackson appeared on A Better World on WPVM FM to talk about the criminal justice system, reentry,
Join us on Thursday, July 12 for a presentation by Dee Williams on "The Real Asheville" project, followed by breakout sessions
Jesse Michel and Patrick Conant, former Co-Captains of Code for Asheville, have been named 2018 Community Fellows by Code for
On May 24th, a group of community members met with City Staff to discuss the details of the data sets