What’s the Code in Code for Asheville?

I initially wrote this essay on my personal blog and it was then republished on the Code for America blog. Musing on the word “code” gave me an opportunity to express how I see the potential of Code for America brigades. I’d like to share it with...

Writing our principles and values, together…

Jennifer Pahlka, Founder and Executive Director of Code for America, has asked Code for Asheville members for help. During the Brigade Conference, there was a discussion about Code for America’s principles and values (for details, see Jennifer Pahlka’s...

Back from the Brigade Congress

Two members of Code for Asheville attended the Code for America Brigade Congress in Philadelphia last week and had this to say: “For me, there were two important takeaways from the Brigade Congress. I was pleased to see so much interest in criminal justice (2...

Progress & Learning at the NC Reentry Hub Hack Day

The NC Reentry Resources Hub project is a website providing high-quality information and resources relevant and valuable to NC citizens reentering society after a period of incarceration or dealing with collateral consequences of a previous criminal conviction. Last...

Jen Pahlka & Code for Asheville: The Movie!

“We’re not going to solve this counry’s problems in San Francisco, and we’re not going to solve them in DC.” So Jen Pahlka, Executive Director of Code for America, kicked off her talk and conversation with us at our July 13 Community...