At the July Community Night, we continued our work to advocate for an open data policy for Buncombe County.

We’ve created a draft policy, a logo, and a web page for the campaign, and we’re ready to start spreading the word about this important effort!   

Do you know an organization that could use open data from Buncombe County? Did you help connect Code for Asheville with one of the 30+ organizations that endorsed the Petition For Police Accountability Through Data Transaprency?

Please share a link to the Open Buncombe web page, where one can read the proposed policy and use the simple sign-up form to provide an endorsement and receive updates:

We’re creating a coalition of support for Open Buncombe. We’re building the relationships between community and government. We need your help to succeed at this campaign for an effective open data program.

To get involved with the Open Buncombe campaign or if you have questions, please join the #open_data_policy channel on Code for Asheville Slack:

Thank you for your help! Together, we can rebuild our community’s trust in government through greater transparency!